Category: wordpress

  • High Performance WordPress – Part 5 – Varnish Cache

    High Performance WordPress – Part 5 – Varnish Cache

    Boom! At long last the eagerly awaited Part 5 of our High Performance WordPress series sees the light of day! For those who have not been following along, a quick primer on the other parts in the series: Part 1 – VPS Setup Part 2 – nginx/mysql setup Part 3 – WordPress setup & tuning…

  • WordPress 3.1 Released

    So today is the day that WordPress 3.1 is finally officially released. Originally codenamed “Django” earlier today, Matt quickly changed the name to Reinhardt to prevent mass confusion with the Django project (nice catch Matt). This one has been a while coming and what was initially intended to be a minor release has actually turned…

  • 10 Massive Sites powered by WordPress in 2010

    It never ceases to amaze me how often people question whether WordPress is powerful enough to power their website. People marvel at it’s feature set but some still think it’s a dainty little blogging tool that is meant for small-fry blogs and could never be used to power some of the world’s biggest websites. Those…

  • The case for an official new WordPress Theme Framework

    Ok so I’ve not been posting a lot the past month (slaps self on wrist) due to being snowed under with a LOT of client work at the moment which is both good and bad! Anyway – I’m taking breather this evening and had to post on something which has kept popping up in my…

  • Featured Theme Maker

    This week we kick off a new series on themesforge where each week we’ll be featuring a WordPress Theme Maker. Fancy being featured on themesforge as our Theme Maker of Week? Well if so, it’s real simple – drop us a line and tell us why we should feature you and we’ll put you into…

  • Carrington Build WordPress Page Layouts – this is big

    Carrington Build WordPress Page Layouts – this is big

    I spotted a tweet from Andrew Nacin this evening mentioning a new project from Alex King which has just gone live called Carringon Build. This project is huge news for WordPress developers, website owners and theme designers. In a nutshell Carrington Build is a full featured drag and drop layout control system that hooks directly…

  • 5 Must Read Tutorials on WordPress Custom Post Types

    So I’m doing some Sunday driving today and taking a closer look at WordPress Custom Post Types and how they can be implemented into WordPress themes in WordPress 3.0. I must admit, this is pretty powerful stuff and the lines between theme development and plugin development are blurring a lot more now in 3.0 than…

  • Breaking: Matt Cutts is considering dropping Thesis

    As WordPress and Thesis continue to wage war over the past week, I’ve just been tuned into the WordPress Podcast where Matt Cutts is online with Yoast and Frederick having a broad discussion about Matt’s experience with WordPress and as usual Matt is full of interesting stories and facts about not only SEO but also…

  • Thesis gets hacked and the coming Thesis Vs. Automattic battle

    So – producers of the infamous Thesis WordPress theme got hacked today. Apart from the fact that it’s nasty for anyone to get hacked at any stage, this event inadvertently reignited the WordPress/Automattic vs. Thesis war of words after some follow up tweeting from what I can make out. The war of words is…

  • Making WordPress better

    Making WordPress better

    Probably the last thing that the WordPress dev team want to think about now is new feature requests for future versions of WordPress. In fact, the team have already stated that they’ll be taking a break from feature development for a few months which is cool and gives us all time to get to grips…